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Attracting Global Finance to Brazil’s Ecological Transformation Plan

Joint statement from UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and Co-Chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) Mark Carney, Brazil’s Minister of Finance Fernando Haddad, and BNDES President Aloizio Mercadante

Dubai, U.A.E. (December 2, 2023) – On December 2, 2023, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and Co-Chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) Mark Carney met with Brazil’s Minister of Finance Fernando Haddad and BNDES President Aloizio Mercadante at COP28 to discuss the country’s climate goals.

Minister Haddad outlined the Government’s plans to stimulate inclusive green growth throughout Brazil, as part of President Lula’s strategy to re-energize the economy. The Minister set out the key elements of his forthcoming Ecological Transformation Plan, which will support the delivery of President Lula’s green growth agenda. The Plan will leverage Brazil’s ambition to facilitate a just and equitable transition of the national economy by rapidly reducing emissions while stimulating growth in sustainable industries of tomorrow.

Mark Carney commended President Lula and Minister Haddad’s commitment and leadership on climate, both domestically and internationally, and looks forward to partnering with the Brazilian Government through Bloomberg Philanthropies and GFANZ in support of Brazil’s Ecological Transformation Plan, and their G20 and COP30 Presidencies.

UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and GFANZ Co-Chair, Mark Carney, said: “Brazil has impressive ambition on climate which it is backing with action. I look forward to working with the Ministry of Finance, BNDES, and the rest of the Brazilian Government on their domestic green growth agenda and the international priorities of their G20 and COP30 Presidencies. Brazil’s clean energy system, commitment to end deforestation and plan to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 all stand out. Its leadership can encourage other nations to lift their ambition for COP30 in the global pursuit of net zero.”

Minister of Finance of Brazil, Fernando Haddad, said: “What the world needs is passion and innovative ideas to face the challenges. Under President Lula’s leadership, Brazil is in a hurry to get started. We have initiatives to fulfill our climate agenda and we are in the process of regulating green hydrogen, offshore winds, biofuels and taxonomies for carbon credits. We know we need to create financial mechanisms to kickstart the Ecological Transformation Plan. Brazil is at the forefront of these challenges and working with the private sector to overcome these hurdles. Brazil doesn’t just want to be President of the G20, but a vehicle for the message of cooperation to develop what we need to solve these challenges.”

At the meeting, their teams were tasked with partnering to identify areas for collaboration to mobilize capital and create financing solutions to drive Brazil’s green growth and the Ecological Transformation Plan, and to support Brazil’s Presidency of the G20 and COP30.